
What are examples of psychiatric diagnoses?

A student with a mental illness may have one or more of the following psychiatric diagnoses (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).


This is a mood disorder that can begin at any age. Major depression may be characterized by a depressed mood most of each day, a lack of pleasure in previously enjoyed activities, thoughts of suicide, insomnia, and consistent feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

How can universal design be applied in postsecondary education?

Universal design is an approach that strives to make products and environments welcoming, accessible, and usable for everyone. Universal design principles were developed at the Center for Universal Design. They can be tailored to specific applications such as curriculum, instruction, career service offices, multimedia, tutoring and learning centers, museums, computer labs, and web pages.

How can students with disabilities get accommodations for taking the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and Advanced Placement exams?

National testing services are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations, and most have information on their websites about how to document a disability and request accommodations. However, students and their advocates must get all documentation prepared well in advance. The review of required forms and notification of approval or denial of accommodations for national exams can take several months.

How can a student who is blind navigate in an unfamiliar area to do fieldwork?

A number of tools and strategies are available that can make fieldwork accessible to students who are blind. Some of those tools - such as guide dogs - are already part of many students' lives. Others are easy to purchase. Braille compasses and talking compasses are readily available from online stores and, in combination with Braille or tactile maps, could be very effective for finding locations if students who are blind are instructed on how to use them.

Who is responsible for providing accessible transportation to a postsecondary student's internship or co-op?

The policy regarding transportation should be the same for students with disabilities as it is for students without disabilities. It is most often the case that students arrange their own transportation to and from internships. The student with special needs should look into options for accessible transportation (e.g., accessible bus, van service). The campus disabled student services office may be able to assist with this process.

Reduced Course Loads: A Case Study on Financial Aid Eligibility


Sam is a sophomore with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He is having difficulty managing a full-time preengineering course load. He does not have enough time to keep up with all of his courses.

Access Issue

Sam wants to take a reduced course load but needs to remain eligible for financial assistance and campus housing. He was told by student services staff that he would be ineligible for financial aid and campus housing if he was not registered as a full-time student.

Is it legal to copy material that is copyrighted in order to make the print accessible to low-vision or blind patrons?

There are exemptions to the copyright laws that allow for reproduction of purchased materials into alternate formats for use by people with print disabilities. Any material copied for this purpose must not be sold. It is important to make the material available only to the student requesting it and not freely available as on a web page.
