
Is allowing the use of service animals and therapy pets in campus housing considered a reasonable accommodation?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Fair Housing Act require that institutions such as campus residence halls accommodate individuals with service animals. A service animal (e.g., guide dog, service dog) is specially trained to perform specific tasks to benefit a person with a disability.

Can employers use "at will" employment status to discriminate against employees with disabilities?

"At will" employment, also referred to as “employment at will” or "hired at will", is when the employer and the employee agree that either party can terminate the employment agreement without justification and often without advanced notice. "At will" positions typically offer the employee less job security than other types of positions. However, "at will" employees who have disabilities are afforded legal protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits employers from discriminating against employees with disabilities.

Web Access: A Case Study on Making Content Accessible to a Student who is Blind


My name is Imke. I am a blind graduate student in atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington. I use a refreshable Braille display to access text that appears on a computer screen.

Access Issue

Some data I use for my research are available on the web page of the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO). The site includes plots of various climate indices that are not accessible to me, since neither refreshable Braille displays nor speech synthesizers are capable of reproducing graphics.

Let it Snow: A Case Study on Accessibility During Inclement Weather


My name is Rodney and I am a student at a large Northeastern University. I have a mobility impairment and use a wheelchair. In the winter large amounts of snowfall require campus staff to plow all of the parking lots. It has been the policy of parking services to plow the snow from the parking lot into large drifts in the accessible stalls and to shovel the snow from the stairs onto the ramps.
