UW Alumni Association UW Information School

iSchool eNews

Spring 2006

Q&A with new Dean Harry Bruce

Harry BruceHarry Bruce, who became Dean of the Information School on Jan. 1, takes over at the pinnacle of its recent transformation. “Establishing a strong Information School is about creating a context and a model for leadership and advocacy, in terms of intellectual leadership and also as a model for the Information School movement,” says Bruce about his vision for the School. More...

Faculty Member Delegate at World Information Summit

A “digital divide” separates participants in the revolution in information and technology from those who are not. At the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), world leaders declared their commitment to turning this digital divide into a digital opportunity for all. Assistant Professor Karine Barzilai-Nahon was there as the academic director of the Israeli delegation. More...

I3M Symposium

The iSchool's new Institute for Innovation in Information Management (I3M) is designed to help organizations attain agility and competitive success by managing their most vital assets, their information and knowledge. Its first major event is the one-day symposium Knowledge Management in Turbulent Times on April 5. More...

iSchool's First Cleary Professor

Lynne McKechnie, acting associate dean and associate professor of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario (UWO), will join the iSchool faculty as visiting Cleary Professor of Children and Youth Services, the Information School's first endowed professorship. "Mrs. Cleary's work has quietly enriched the lives of generations of children throughout the world." More...

Program Notes

Top Rankings from U.S. News and World Report!
U.S. News and World Report ranks the iSchool's Library and Information Science Program #4 in the nation!

Information Science PhD
Doctoral candidate Patricia Katopol is trying to help municipal employees find more effective ways to manage and use information for decision-making.  Her dissertation is showing that, “Systems that do not recognize the contribution of support staff information culture are likely to fail.”

Master of Library and Information Science
Jeanne Doherty spent eight weeks last summer as an intern for the United Nations International Court of Justice in The Hague, home of the world’s largest international law library.

Master of Science in Information Management
Geoff Froh came to the MSIM program for the technical background he needs for his work at Densho, a Seattle-area organization recording and sharing the experiences of Japanese Americans interred during World War II. 

In January, the iSchool became the newest participant in the University of Washington’s Honors Program, enabling our undergraduate students in Informatics to graduate “with Honors.”   The Informatics Honors Program will help to retain and attract the University’s most promising and capable undergraduate students to the iSchool.

Faculty Updates

Joe Janes, has won the 2006 Isadore Gilbert Mudge – R.R. Bowker Award for distinguished contributions to reference librarianship, to be awarded at the 2006 ALA conference in New Orleans. 

Alumni Updates

Rivkah Sass (’78), Executive Director of the Omaha Public Library, is Library Journal’s 2006 Librarian of the Year. 

Upcoming Events

Spring is the time for iSchool events!
The Cleary Professor Inaugural Lecture, a Dean’s Welcome Reception, Conferences, Convocation, and more!    

Continuing Education Opportunities

This summer, the iSchool is offering three courses in distance mode with a continuing education option.  This is a great opportunity for alumni to come back and take courses they really wanted but just couldn't fit in their schedules before graduation. 



Contact Us

The Information School
Box 352840
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 370
Seattle, WA 98195-2840
Main Office: (206) 685-9937
Fax: (206) 616-3152
Development & Alumni Relations Office: (206) 543-4794

UW Alumni Association
1415 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105
1-800-AUW-ALUM or (206) 543-0540

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2006 MagnetWhatever your dreams in life, you'll need the right information at the right time to reach your goals. Our job at the iSchool is to help you flourish by marshaling information and technology to serve you. We do that when we apply our expertise to important questions and nurture the minds of future professional leaders. The iSchool believes that connecting people with knowledge is of fundamental individual and societal importance. Support the iSchool today! Donors will receive this small token of appreciation.


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